Friday, October 5, 2007


That fresh morning, crisp and dry,
the soft breeze gently flowing by,
Stood by him,unable to cry,
but mortal agony deepening high.

Together, we had vowed forever to tow,
Our field of flourishing love with care.
Until one day when his mask flew off,
Exposing the unfaithful cheat right there.

I dazed as he smoothly denied,
No regret, guilt or shame followed by,
Malice filling within me, nothing benign,
and tiny droplets suppressing a sigh.

His denial accompanied a series of lies,
Until the thread of love tore apart,
And amongst our story of broken ties,
Lay the wonderful memories unable to depart.


Paras said...

nice thoughts and nicely put in words.. i think a bit more punctuation would have made this awesome.. just a suggestion..
overall a soothing poem..

MomentaryLapse said...

Hello, thank you so much for the feedback, if you could guide me on that, i would be very happy... I don't write, it's just a few thoughts that crosses my mind. R u from Shillong?????

Paras said...

looks very good now.. now i can dance to the writers wish.. i can wait and pause and flow the way u want!!

Anonymous said...

Lovely.. just lovely.. Tanaya..
would like to know more about you..
please contact me at

jamiye adda deya jabe :)

And thanks for your comment on my story "Alex"


MomentaryLapse said...

Gee Thanks!!!!

little by little , bit by bit said...

ofcourse all your poems deserve a praise...but liked this one particularly

Pallavi Sharma said...

This one struck a chord. Been through something similar, so I could "feel" every word.